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How to check the quality of blank forgings?

The quality inspection of blank forging mainly includes appearance inspection, size inspection and internal quality inspection. Appearance inspection: Appearance inspection is mainly carried out by visual inspection and tactile inspection. Visual inspection refers to the inspection of the surface quality of the blank forging, such as whether there are cracks, pores, inclusions and other defects. Tactile inspection means to check the roughness and feel of the forging surface by touching it to determine whether there are defects. Dimensional inspection: Dimensional inspection includes the measurement of the geometric size, shape and relative position of the blank forgings. Generally, calipers, plug gauges, micrometers and other tools are used for measurement, but also high-precision measuring instruments such as coordinate measuring instruments can be…


What are the materials of blank forgings?

Blank forging is an important part of machinery manufacturing, and the choice of its material has a crucial impact on the quality, performance and processing difficulty of the forging. The following will introduce several common blank forging materials and their characteristics. Carbon steel Carbon steel is a commonly used blank forging material, which has high strength, hardness and wear resistance. In machinery manufacturing, carbon steel is widely used in a variety of tools, cutting tools, high-strength fasteners, shaft parts and so on. The disadvantage of carbon steel is that it is easy to rust, so it needs to be treated with rust prevention. Alloy steel Alloy steel is the addition of a certain amount of alloying elements in carbon steel,…


What should we pay attention to when storing and using bearing forgings?

Bearing forging is an important mechanical part, which is widely used in various mechanical equipment. When storing and using bearing forgings, the following matters need to be paid attention to to ensure their quality and performance. First, storage precautions Keep the original packaging: Bearing forgings usually come with the original packaging, such as wooden boxes or cartons. The package should be kept in good condition during storage. This can prevent bearing forgings from being affected by the external environment, such as moisture, dust and mechanical damage. Avoid exposure to air: Bearing forgings should not be exposed to air for a long time, especially in a humid environment. If it must be temporarily stored outdoors or in a humid environment, it…


How to use the forging process to improve the life of bearing forgings?

Forging process is one of the key steps to prolong the life of bearing forgings. The following are some ways to use the forging process to improve the life of bearing forgings: Optimization of forging process parameters: By adjusting forging process parameters, such as deformation, deformation speed and temperature, the grain size and mechanical properties of bearing forgings can be controlled, thereby improving their durability and fatigue strength. Fine grain structure: By controlling the deformation amount and temperature in the forging process, the dynamic recrystallization and grain refinement of the steel can be promoted to form a more uniform and fine grain structure, thereby improving the strength and toughness of the bearing forgings. Elimination of internal defects: The forging process…


In which industrial fields are bearing forgings widely used?

Bearing forgings are widely used in many industrial fields, and the following are some of the main areas: Energy field: Bearing forgings are widely used in energy fields such as wind power generation, hydropower generation and nuclear energy. In these fields, bearing forgings are used to manufacture a variety of critical components, such as bearings, gears, shafts and blades. Automotive: Bearing forgings play an important role in the field of automotive manufacturing. They are used to make key components such as car engines, transmissions and chassis. Aerospace: In the aerospace sector, bearing forgings are used in the manufacture of various aircraft components, such as bearings, gears and shafts. Shipbuilding: In shipbuilding, bearing forgings are used to manufacture key components such…


Basic manufacturing process of bearing forgings

Bearing forging is an important mechanical part, which is widely used in various mechanical equipment. The manufacturing process mainly includes the following steps: First, raw material preparation The first step in the manufacture of bearing forgings is to prepare raw materials. Usually, bearing forgings require the use of high-quality steel, such as alloy steel, stainless steel, etc. These steels require strict quality control to ensure that their chemical composition, metallographic structure and mechanical properties meet the requirements. Two, heating Heating steel to the proper temperature is one of the key steps in the manufacture of bearing forgings. The purpose of heating is to make the steel have enough plasticity and deformation ability to facilitate the forging process. At the same…


Quality control and testing methods of stainless steel forgings

Stainless steel forging is an important industrial component, its quality directly affects the performance and service life of the product. Therefore, the quality control and detection of stainless steel forgings is very important. Raw material control: The production of stainless steel forgings requires the use of high-quality stainless steel materials, such as stainless steel 304, 316, etc. The quality of raw materials directly affects the quality of forgings. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out strict quality inspection of raw materials to ensure that they meet the requirements. Production process control: The production process of stainless steel forgings includes multiple steps, such as pre-heating, forging, annealing treatment, heat treatment, etc. Each step needs to be carried out in strict accordance…


Material characteristics and advantages analysis of stainless steel forgings

Stainless steel forging is an important metal material with a series of excellent properties, so it is widely used in many fields. The following are the main material properties and advantages: Corrosion resistance: Stainless steel forgings have good corrosion resistance under various environmental conditions, especially for acidic, alkaline and salt environments, which can effectively resist corrosion and rust. This feature makes stainless steel forgings widely used in chemical, petroleum, food and other industries. Beautiful and durable: The surface of stainless steel forgings is smooth, not easy to attach impurities, easy to clean, and not easy to produce scratches and dents. In addition, the strength and toughness of stainless steel materials are high, can withstand greater pressure and impact loads, and…


Application and case analysis of stainless steel forgings in industrial field

Stainless steel forging is an important industrial component, because of its excellent corrosion resistance, beautiful and durable, good processing performance, environmental protection and safety characteristics, so it is widely used in many industrial fields. First, the construction field In the field of construction, stainless steel forgings are widely used in indoor and outdoor decoration, Bridges, railings, doors and Windows. For example, in the exterior wall decoration of Shanghai Tower, a large number of stainless steel forgings are used, which not only has a beautiful and generous appearance, but also has the advantages of corrosion resistance and easy cleaning. In addition, stainless steel forgings are also used to make structural components such as Bridges and railings, which have high strength and…

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