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Thermal forging

What is petrochemical forgings?

Petrochemical forgings are forged parts designed specifically for the petrochemical industry. Compared with ordinary forgings, petrochemical forgings have more stringent requirements in terms of material, structure and performance. They need to operate stably for a long time in harsh industrial environments, so they have high reliability. First, the characteristics of petrochemical forging The main characteristics of petrochemical forgings include high temperature, high pressure and high corrosion. These characteristics make it necessary to fully consider the high temperature resistance, high pressure resistance and corrosion resistance of materials in the design and production process of petrochemical forgings. At the same time, in order to ensure safety, petrochemical forgings also need to have a certain fatigue resistance and fracture resistance. Second, the application…


Diesel engine forgings market status and development trend analysis

Diesel engine is the highest thermal efficiency, the best energy utilization rate and the most energy-saving model in the various power machinery used in industrialization at present, and has become the main supporting power for commercial vehicles, agricultural machinery, construction machinery, ships, diesel locomotives, geological and petroleum drilling RIGS, military, general equipment, mobile and standby power stations and other equipment. With the continuous progress of technology and the continuous expansion of application fields, the diesel engine forgings market is also constantly developing and changing. First, diesel engine forgings market status The market is expanding In recent years, with the continuous expansion of the application range of diesel engines, especially in emerging markets such as Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia…


Diesel engine forging in the production process need to pay attention to the problem

Diesel engine forging is an important part of diesel engine, its quality and performance directly affect the efficiency and reliability of diesel engine. In the production process, the following aspects need to be paid attention to to ensure the quality and safety of diesel engine forgings. First, material selection Diesel forgings need to have high strength, corrosion resistance and wear resistance, so the following factors need to be considered when selecting raw materials: Safety: Select materials that meet safety standards to ensure that they will not cause harm to human health and the environment during production and use. Corrosion resistance: Diesel engine forgings need to withstand the role of high temperature, high pressure, corrosive gas and other factors in the…


What are the factors affecting the production cost and price of diesel engine forgings?

There are many factors affecting the production cost and price of diesel forgings, and the following are some of the main factors: Raw material cost: The raw materials used in diesel engine forgings are metal materials, mainly including steel, aluminum, copper, nickel and so on. Among them, the price of steel fluctuates greatly, and the price of aluminum, copper, nickel and other metal materials is also relatively high, so the cost of raw materials is one of the important factors affecting the production cost of forgings. Production equipment and processing costs: forgings need to use high-precision production equipment such as CNC machine tools for production and processing, production equipment acquisition and maintenance costs are higher, while processing difficulty and processing…


What are the market demands and application areas of diesel engine forgings?

The market demand and application fields of diesel engine forgings are very wide. Here are some of the main areas: Shipping and Marine industry: Diesel forgings are an important part of Marine propulsion and Marine power station systems, including Marine diesel engines, cylinder heads, spindle necks and crankshaft transmission gear and other key components. The growth of global seaborne trade volume and the recovery of the shipping market have promoted the restart of new shipbuilding projects, which in turn has driven the demand for diesel engine forgings market. Automobile manufacturing: Diesel engine forgings are important parts in automobile manufacturing, including pistons, crankshafts, cylinders, etc. The quality and performance of these forgings directly affect the performance and life of the car….


What are the quality testing methods for diesel engine forgings?

The quality testing methods of diesel engine forgings mainly include the following: Visual inspection method: At the production site, the quality of the forging is visually measured, and the surface quality of the forging is observed, such as cracks, cracks, inclusions, heavy skins, pits, etc., and the shape and position dimensions such as Angle edges, distortion, and the error of the die forging. Measuring tool inspection method: Use general measuring tools such as steel ruler, inner and outer calipers, vernier height ruler, vernier depth ruler and 90° Angle ruler, as well as special measuring tools to check the size and shape dislocation of forging. Sample test method: For large quantities of forgings and complex forgings with multi-angle bending, samples and…


High-quality aircraft forgings help the rapid development of the aviation industry!

With the rapid development of the global aviation industry, aircraft forgings as an important part of aircraft manufacturing, its quality and performance directly affect the safety and service life of aircraft. This paper will explain the importance of high quality aircraft forgings to the rapid development of aviation industry from the aspects of manufacturing technology and application advantages of high quality aircraft forgings. I. Manufacturing technology and process flow of aircraft forgings Aircraft forging is a key component in aircraft structure, and its manufacturing process involves many links and processes. Generally speaking, the manufacturing process of aircraft forgings mainly includes the following steps: Raw material selection: The selection of high-quality raw materials is the basis to ensure the quality of…


The key technology in the manufacture of aircraft forgings

Aircraft forgings are key components in aircraft structure, whose quality and performance directly affect the safety and service life of aircraft. In the manufacturing process of aircraft forgings, there are some key technologies that play a crucial role in the quality and performance of the forgings. This paper will introduce the key technologies in the manufacturing process of aircraft forgings from the following aspects. First, forging technology Forging technology is one of the core technologies in the manufacturing process of aircraft forgings. Through forging technology, raw materials can be heated to the appropriate temperature, and then deformed on the forging equipment to obtain the desired shape and size. In the forging process, parameters such as forging temperature, deformation amount and…


Ensure the performance and safety of aircraft forgings

Aircraft forgings are key components in aircraft structure, whose quality and performance directly affect the safety and service life of aircraft. In order to ensure the performance and safety of aircraft forgings, a series of measures need to be taken, including the selection of high-quality raw materials, strict control of the manufacturing process, and strict quality testing. This paper will introduce how to ensure the performance and safety of aircraft forgings from the aspects of raw material selection, manufacturing process control and quality inspection. First, raw material selection To ensure the performance and safety of aircraft forgings, we must first choose raw materials. The selection of high-quality raw materials is the basis for ensuring the quality of forgings, so materials…

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