• Contact Innally, Let you purchase forgings in China more favorable prices, products more assured!

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Provide more than 5000 kinds of forging forming and customization

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About us

It brings together 50 high-quality forging enterprises in China to provide more than 3,000 kinds of forging forming and customized processing services.

  • Quality material selection
  • Professional technical team
  • Advanced CNC equipment
  • Servo forging equipment
  • Strict quality control
  • Perfect enterprise management


Forging enterprise


Forgings type


Service experience


China Forging Alliance

Faster and better for you to show the quality of Chinese forging enterprises, as well as forging services

Enter the product center


Enterprise overview

Professional equipment, professional technology, to create assured products

Service process

Control every link to ensure service

Customer consultation

Inquire about forgings purchase by phone or email

Demand analysis

According to customer needs, technical analysis, make plans.

Contract signing

The program is confirmed and the cooperation contract is signed.

Product production

Product ordering, material purchasing, product production

Product acceptance

Completion of production, docking and acceptance with customers.

Product delivery

The product is shipped and transported to the customer.


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Create the ultimate user experience

Innally brings together 50 medium-sized high-quality forging enterprises in China, covering steel forgings, aluminum alloy forgings, titanium alloy forgings and other material forgings, and can provide more than 3000 kinds of forgings forming and custom product processing.
Innally has a wealth of overseas business experience, can better help you to buy better quality forgings in China.

Product center

Contact us

50 high-quality forging enterprise resources, Innally to help you better purchase forgings in China.

Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China
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